OESJ School District Still Accepting Pre-K Applications for 23-24 School Year

The Oppenheim-Ephratah-St.Johnsville School District continues to accept applications for prekindergarten for the 2023-24 school year.  

OESJ offers a full-day pre-k program with free breakfast, lunch, snack and transportation. We are excited to help our prekindergarten students begin their educational journey and ensure they are prepared for kindergarten.

Children who reside in the school district and who will be four (4) years old on or before Dec. 1, 2023 are eligible to apply for prekindergarten during this school year. If your child turns five (5) earlier than Dec. 1, 2021, they are over the age limit for the program, and should participate in our kindergarten program.

Important Reminder: Applications must be filled out by a parent with custodial authority or by a legal guardian. Please contact 518-568-2014 for sign up or if you have any questions.