OESJ District Safety Plan

PROJECT  SAVE (Safe Schools Against Violence in Education)

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Oppenheim-Ephratah-St. Johnsville School District

Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17

Updated July 2024


Emergencies and violent incidents in school districts are critical issues that must be addressed in an expeditious and effective manner. Districts are required to develop a district-wide school safety plan designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the coordination of the district with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies. The district-wide plan is responsive to the needs of all schools within the district and is consistent with the more detailed emergency response plans required at the school building level. Districts stand at risk from a wide variety of acts of violence, natural, and man made disasters. To address these threats, the State of New York has enacted the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) law. Project Save is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses prevention, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in each school district and its schools. The Oppenheim-Ephratah-St. Johnsville (OESJ) School District supports the SAVE Legislation and intends to facilitate the planning process. The Superintendent of Schools encourages and advocates on-going district-wide cooperation and support of Project SAVE.

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Section I: General Considerations and Planning Guidelines

A.  Purpose

The OESJ School District-wide School Safety Plan was developed pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17. At the direction of the OESJ School District Board of Education, the Superintendent of the OESJ School District appointed a District-wide School Safety Team and charged it with the development and maintenance of the District-wide School Safety Plan. The district wide plan was updated as of July 2024.

B.  Identification of School Teams

As per Commissioner’s Regulation, Section 155.17 (c)(13), the OESJ School District-Wide Safety Team is comprised of representatives of the teachers, administrators, school safety personnel, Transportation director, other school personnel, and local law enforcement. The district’s Chief Emergency Officer is the school superintendent, Adam Heroth.

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C.  Concept of Operations

1. The District-Wide School Safety Plan shall be directly linked to the individual Building-Level Emergency Response Plans for the school building. This District-Wide School Safety Plan will guide the development and implementation of Building Level Safety Plans.

2. This Plan has been developed using the New York State Education Guidance Document.

3. In the event of an emergency or violent incident, the initial response to all emergencies will be by the School Emergency Response Team.

4. Upon activation of the School Emergency Response Team, the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee will be notified and, when appropriate, local emergency officials will also be notified.

5. County and State resources through existing protocols may supplement emergency response actions, including post-incident responses.

D.  Plan Review

● This plan has been reviewed as of July 2024.

● The district-wide and building-level plan was adopted by the School Board in 2001 after a public hearing that provided for the participation of school personnel, parents, students and any other interested parties. The plan must be formally adopted by the Board of Education. A public hearing will be held on August 21, 2024 to approve the school district safety plan.

● Full copies of the District-wide School Safety Plan and any amendments will be submitted to the New York State Education Department within 30 days of adoption.

● This plan will be reviewed periodically during the year and will be maintained by the District-wide School Safety Team. The required annual review occurred in July 2024. Building-level Emergency Response Plans will be supplied to local police, the Sheriff’s department and the State Police within 30 days of the update.

● While linked to the District-Wide School Safety Plan, Building-Level Safety Plans shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under Article 6 of the Public Officers Law or any other provision of law, in accordance with Education Law Section 2801-a.

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Section II: Risk Reduction/Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Program Initiatives

● Character Education Program

● Assemblies to discuss pertinent issues

● Agency consultation provided in schools

● Dignity for All Students Act policy

● Code of Conduct policy

● County Threat Assessment team

1. Information will be available to parents/guardians on how to identify potentially violent behaviors.

2. If a teacher or administrator feels help for a student is warranted, it will be discussed with appropriate school personnel to determine the next step.

3. An interpersonal violence prevention education package will be taught as appropriate.

4. The OESJ School District recognizes that communication is a vital key in the prevention and intervention of violence in schools; the District will continue to explore programs based on need.

5. The District’s referral process is utilized for the reporting of potentially violent incidents and following the District’s Code of Conduct.

6. Additionally, counselors are available in every school for students to share information where the source can be confidential.

7. Montgomery County Threat Assessment Team (TAM) is a multi-disciplinary team of multiple stakeholders including but not limited to law enforcement, public health, mental health, school districts, and court system representatives. All with a common goal of identifying and managing persons that may pose a risk of causing harm to themselves or others and off ramping them from the pathway to violence. The end goal is not necessarily an arrest but to ensure that persons of need get the services required.

Training, Drills, and Exercises

Three levels of annual multi-hazard school training will be considered in this plan for the upcoming school year:

● Required Drills to be held throughout the school year (8 evacuation, 4 lockdown drills, 1 emergency release drill);

● responder training for members of the Incident Response and Post-Incident Response teams conducted by response agencies and/or the BOCES HSRM staff;

● general staff awareness training conducted during by BOCES HSRM staff, SRO or other emergency services staff and:

● general student awareness training of emergency response procedures conducted by building staff (i.e. fire drills, lockdown drills)

o Each year the District-Wide School Safety Team and/or Building-Level Teams will consider appropriate training for each of the groups listed above.

● Evacuation and Lockdown drills are conducted throughout the school year, also, an early dismissal drill is done at least once a year

● A table-top exercise with response staff to discuss emergency procedures will be conducted once a year

● After each drill we have a building level meeting to discuss the drill and make changes if necessary

● drills and training will be conducted in a trauma-informed, developmentally and age-appropriate manner

● drills and training will not include props, actors, simulations, or other tactics intended to mimic a school shooting, incident of violence, or other emergency

● Parents/Guardians will be informed about all drills within one week prior to the drill.

● Students and staff are informed when a school is conducting a lockdown drill as it must be announced as a drill.

● Provide requirements for schools and districts that opt to participate in full-scale exercises in conjunction with local and county emergency responders and preparedness officials. Exercises that include props, actors, simulations, or other tactics intended to mimic a school shooting or other act of violence or emergency may not be conducted on a regular school day and when school activities such as athletics are occurring on school grounds. In addition, such exercises cannot include students without written consent from parents or persons in parental relation

Implementation of School Security

Safety Response

School staff is trained to be vigilant pertaining to threats against students and staff (i.e. bullying). The district continues to promote a culture of respect for the students and staff through the Dignity for All Students Act.

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Security Devices

● Surveillance cameras placed on buses and also various locations in both buildings and bus garage..

● Photo ID cards are issued to staff and badges to visitors, plus a sign in and sign out log. Visitors are required to wear a “Visitor” tag.

● Swipe card system used for all staff.

● All outside doors to remain locked, but will be accessible as an exit.

● Buzzer system with camera at each main entrance.

● Raptor visitor management system used.

● School Resource Officers at both buildings.

● District is looking into adding panic devices in main offices in each building.

● Implementation of the TAP App in 2024-2025 school year.

Vital  Educational  Agency Information

Each Building-Level Safety Plan will include the following information :

  • School population
  • Number of staff
  • Transportation needs
  • Business and home telephone numbers of key officials.

The Building-Level School Safety Teams will insure that this information is accurate and will be updated routinely.

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B.    Early Detection of Potentially Violent Behavior

1.    Paying attention to early warning signs can help prevent or minimize violence to self and others. Certain emotional and behavioral signs, when viewed in context, can signal a troubled student. Teachers are trained to recognize the signs that can be used to signal a student who may need help.  The more signs a student exhibits the more likely it is that he or she may need intervention. Early warning signs include, but not limited to:

  • Depressed  mood  or chronic crying
  • Decline in school performance
  • Verbal expressions about one’s own death
  • Giving away important personal possessions
  • Use of  alcohol or drugs
  • Sudden lifting of severe depression
  • Recent withdrawal from therapy or psychological counseling
  • Purchase of  knives, guns, or ropes
  • Verbal or written communications which appear to  be saying “good-bye”
  • Feelings  of guilt
  • Violent, aggressive behavior
  • Exaggerated  mood swings
  • Running away
  • Talking about revenge or getting even with parents
  • Confusion and despair resulting from sudden death or suicide of a peer
  • Any sudden obvious changes in  behavior
  • Eating disorders – changes in eating habits
  • Sleeping disorders – insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Low energy level, constant fatigue
  • Decreased productivity or effectiveness
  • Pessimism about the future or brooding about the past
  • Loss of interest in formerly pleasurable activity
  • Inability to show pleasure
  • Reactions that seem inappropriate to  the situation
  • Statements of inadequacy or low self-esteem
  • Social withdrawal – pulls away from friends
  • Irritability or excessive anger (which may be directed towards parents, caretakers, or siblings), rebelliousness, and belligerence
  • Neglect of  personal appearance
  • Physical complaints
  • Preoccupation with illness, death, or catastrophic events
  • Decreased attention, concentration, or ability to think clearly

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2.    If a teacher or administrator feels help for a student is warranted, it will be discussed with appropriate school personnel to  determine the next step.

3.    The Superintendent of Schools will set specific times for the building principal(s), in conjunction with the District Professional Development Committee, to organize activities of particular concern as needed.

Hazard Identification

The District has established procedures in the Building-Level Safety Plans for the identification of potential sites and the internal and/or external hazards that may be present in them. These procedures are developed in coordination with the local Emergency Management Office, Fire Department, and law enforcement agencies, and the use of a Risk Probability Checklist.

Location of Potential Sites

Internal or External Hazard

  • State Hwy 5 and 29 – External
  • School Heating System – Internal
  • School Bus – External
  • Athletic Fields – External
  • Field Trips – External
  • NYS Thruway – External
  • Railroad – External

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Hazard Assessment (some external hazards are county-wide)

Type /    Predictability   /  Approx. Frequency   /  Warning Time    Seriousness  /   Possible Responses

  • Intruder 1/5 /1 /2/4,5
  • Bomb Threat  1/5/1/5/1,3
  • Hazmat  1/2/1/4/1,3
  • High Winds  3/2/2/5/1,3
  • Bus Accident   1/5/1/3/2
  • Winter Storm  5/1/4/5/1,3

Predictability:   1) unpredictable  through 5) very predictable

Frequency:  1) more than once/year; 2) annually; 3) every 2-3 years; 4) every 5-10 years; 5) rarely

Warning Time:  1) none; 2) minutes; 3) hours; 4) days; 5) exact likely dates known

Seriousness:  1) disaster (entire community w/casualties); 2) disaster (entire school w/casualties); 3) emergency (affects one or more individuals w/casualties); 4) emergency (entire community no casualties); 5) emergency (entire school no casualties)

Possible Responses: 1) Shelter-in-Place; 2) Hold-in-Place; 3) Evacuation; 4) Lockout; 5) Lockdown

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Section Ill: Response

A.     Notification and Activation

Policies and procedures for contacting appropriate law enforcement officials in the event of a violent incident.

  • The person in charge (Incident Commander) will decide if the level of the incident classifies it as a “violent incident” (consistent with the definition of such an incident as defined in the district’s Code of Conduct). If appropriate, the Incident Commander will call 911.
  • In a crisis situation involving a violent incident, school staff should call 911 and notify the Incident Commander.

Procedures to contact parents, guardians or persons in parental relation to the students in the event of a violent incident or an early dismissal

  • Parents/Guardians will be contacted via telephone, school website and/or the all call system-automatically by the school district. In some cases, the public/parents may also be notified via media outlets.

B.    Situational Responses

Response Protocols

The district uses emergency information folders in each room for important directional information when a response action is needed. The Building-Level Safety Plans include identification of specific procedures for each action depending upon the emergency.

We have incorporated response protocols defined by state education department. It establishes definitions of lockout, lockdown, sheltering, hold-in-place and evacuation. Our responses are based upon these guidelines and are included in the Building Level School Safety Plan.

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Responses to Acts of Violence: Implied or Direct Threats/ Acts of Violence

The District has enacted policies and procedures dealing with violence . These policies and procedures deal with the safety of the school community, as well as the range of disciplinary action to be used when responding to threats or acts of violence.

Bomb Threats

Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the OESJ School District. We use the NYS Police guidelines to bomb threats as protocol.

Hostage Taking

Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the OESJ School District.


Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the OESJ School District.


Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the OESJ School District.


Procedures and Guidelines are included in the Building-Level School Safety Plans for the OESJ School District. See Appendix 7 for the OESJ CSD Pandemic Plan.

Arrangements for Obtaining Emergency Assistance from Local Government

Policies and procedures for contacting appropriate law enforcement officials in the event of a violent incident are included in the Building Level Response Plan for OESJ School District.

  • The person in charge (Incident Commander) will decide if the level of the incident classifies it as a “violent incident” (consistent with the definition of such an incident as defined in the district’s Code of Conduct) . If appropriate, the Incident Commander will call 911.
  • In a crisis situation involving a violent incident, school staff should call 911 and notify the Incident Commander.

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Arrangements for Obtaining Advice and Assistance from Local Government Officials

Procedures for obtaining advice and assistance from local government officials including the county or city officials responsible for implementation of Article 2-B of the  Executive Law.

  • The person in charge (Incident Commander) will decide if the level of the incident warrants obtaining emergency assistance. If appropriate, the Incident Commander will call 911
  • In a crisis situation, school staff should call 911 and notify the Incident Commander

District Resources Available for Use in an Emergency

  • Building Resources – kitchen and serving areas
  • Transportation Resources – School  buses, school vans, and maintenance vehicles
  • Personnel Resources – Staff with CPR/FA training, bus drivers
  • Other Resources – AEDs, Portable Fire Extinguishers

Agencies authorized to Request Use of Resources:


  • County Emergency Management Office
  • NYS Police
  • St. Johnsville Police Dept.
  • St. Johnsville Fire Dept.
  • Oppenheim Vol. Fire Dept.
  • Fulton County Sheriff’s Office
  • American Red Cross
  • Montgomery  County Sheriffs Office
  • Village/Town Government

Protective Action Options

School Cancellation

Superintendent of Schools or designee will announce the closing of school. Communication will be sent to all officials needed to proceed with the cancellation.

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Early Dismissal

1)    Preliminary Procedures

a)  An annual request is made of parents of K-12 students to notify the school district where their child should go in the event that they are not home during school hours. Drivers will be alerted and substitutes contacted by the Transportation Office as to the possibility of an early or emergency dismissal.

2)    Dismissal of Bus Students :

a)  The main office will notify the Transportation Office of the decision to take pupils home

b)  The Transportation Office will notify drivers and required substitutes

c)  Bus pupils will remain in classroom or other designated areas until buses are spotted

d)  Personnel will assume regular duties for bus dismissal.

e)  The Transportation Office will remain at his station until all buses have completed their runs and returned. The Transportation Office will notify the main office when all runs have been completed.

3)    All students are transported by bus or picked up by parent/guardian for an early dismissal.

Evacuation (before, during and after school hours)

Procedures and guidelines are included in the building-level school safety plans for an evacuation.

Sheltering Sites (internal and external)

Procedures and guidelines are included in the building-level school safety plans for the OESJ School District for  sheltering sites.

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Section IV: Recovery

District Support for Building

All the district’s manpower and resources will be available if it should endure an emergency . Mental health counseling, building security and restoration will be items of primary focus. Response and recovery will be a district goal.

Besides building security and restoration, the strategies will also include damage assessment, relocation and continuation of the educational process. A post-incident response critique, the notes from the incident command team and lessons learned will be assessed. Plans to mitigate the likelihood of occurrence or impact, if the incident does occur again, will be reviewed. If possible, efforts will be made to improve district facilities resulting in them being more resistant to suffering similar or worse damage.

Disaster Mental Health Services

The district understands how an emergency can have a major effect on the well-being of students, staff and community at large. The district will coordinate resources with County Mental Health Services and the Post-Incident Crisis Response Team.

Visitors on Campus
Only essential visitors, approved by OESJ CSD, will be allowed on school campuses. Essential visitors to facilities will be required to wear face coverings and will be restricted in their access to our school buildings. Essential visitors will be required to complete health screening protocols prior to entering the building. Parents/guardians will report to the front office and not go beyond unless it is for the safety or well-being of their child. Visitors will have to have a government issue ID to enter the building to be scanned into the Raptor visitor management system.

School Safety Drills
The OESJ CSD will conduct fire (evacuation) drills and lock down drills as required by education law and regulation and the fire code without exceptions. One emergency release drill will also be conducted as required by NYSED. If summer school is being held at a building, it is required to do 2 fire drills.  Embedded programs will participate in home school drills as required. Drills will be conducted in a manner that maintains social distancing at exits and gathering points outside the building, while still preparing students to respond in emergencies.

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Appendix 1Listing of all school buildings covered by the district-wide  school safety plan


OESJ Jr./Sr. High School
44 Center St.
St. Johnsville, NY 13452

OESJ Elementary School
6486 State Hwy 29
St. Johnsville, NY 13452

Appendix 2: Policies and procedures for working with the Media Information

  • Media interaction may be handled by: Superintendent or Designee
  • A law  enforcement/  emergency response agency  PIO; or
  • Jointly, by both PIO’s listed above

Public Information Officer Information

  • Incident Commander and PIO functions may be handled by two different persons.
  • The School District PIO may work under, over or in cooperation with law enforcement and emergency response agency PIO’s.
  • The PIO should set forth clear media guidelines and communicate these guidelines to the  media in writing
  • The PIO should use a press release template for both a news conference script and/or a written  press release.
  • The PIO should receive information and forms from the Incident Commander and other key function personnel on a regular basis throughout the emergency event

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Student/Parent/Guardian  Information

  • Students, Parents and Guardians should be mindful of the situation during an emergency event when approached by the media for an interview. Safety and security issues may be comprised
  • Students should not communicate with the media via cell phone or other type of communication when on campus during any type of emergency situation.

Appendix 3: Student Release in an Emergency

Students will be released only to parents and persons identified on the School District Emergency Card, you may be asked to  provide proof of identification upon arrival in order for the school to release the student(s). During an extreme emergency, students will be released at designated reunion location(s). Parents should be patient and understanding with the student release process.

Appendix 4: Emergency Contact information form

Located within each Main Office.

Appendix 5:

Policies and procedures for responding to implied, or direct threats of violence or acts of violence by students, teachers, other school personnel, and visitors to the school:

  • Corporal Punishment
  • Alcohol and Other Substances
  • Child Abuse and Maltreatment
  • Drug Free Workplace
  • Firearms in School
  • Policy for Maintenance of Public Order on School Property
  • Code of Conduct
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Student Management Policy
  • Title IX/504/Civil Rights
  • Communicating potentially violent incidents to parents.

Appendix 6: MOA with Village of St. Johnsville and FCSO for Special Patrol Officers

This agreement is made as of August 19. 2020 between the Oppenheim-Ephratah-SaintJohnsville Central School District, with district offices in Saint Johnsville, New York (hereinafter “OESJ CSD”) and the Village of Saint Johnsville, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, with offices at St. Johnsville, New York (hereinafter the “Village”).

WHEREAS, municipal corporations are authorized, pursuant to both Article 9 (1) of the State Constitution and Article 5-G of the General Municipal Law to enter into intergovernmental agreements; and

WHEREAS, Article 5-G of the General Municipal Law specifically authorizes and encourages municipal corporations to enter into agreements with each other in order to provide cooperatively, jointly, or by contract any facility, service, activity, or undertaking which each participating municipal corporation has the power to provide separately; and

WHEREAS, the Village has services which the OESJ CSD is desirous of using; and WHEREAS, the respective governing boards of the OESJ CSD and the Village have determined that it is in their mutual best interests to enter into this agreement for the placement of a School Resource Officer (SRO) at the OESJ CSD Elementary School campus located at: 6486 State Highway 29, Saint Johnsville, NY and the OESJ CSD High School campus located at: 44 Center Street, Saint Johnsville, NY;

NOW, THEREFORE, in furtherance of their mutual interests and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, and compliance with the terms and conditions specified herein, the OESJ CSD and the Village hereby agree to the following:

1. The Village agrees to provide the OESJ CSD with two armed, certified police officers to serve as School Resource Officers at the OESJ High School and Elementary School campuses for the 2020-2021 school year to maintain a safe campus environment that is conducive to learning, to create a relationship based upon cooperation and mutual support between law enforcement and OESJ CSD officials, to improve relationships between law enforcement, OESJ CSD, community and youth of the OESJ CSD, to serve as consultants to OESJ CSD staff, parents and youth on safety matters and other matters which will provide a better environment for the students and teachers to pursue their respective tasks, and to serve as a role model to students:

a. The SRO’s shall be subject to the administration, supervision and control of the Village of Saint Johnsville Police Department at all times and subject to the OESJ CSD’s policies and procedures when performing functions at the OESJ CSD, unless otherwise provided in this agreement.

b. The officer’s assigned as the SRO’s will be selected by the Chief of Police based upon the Police Chief’s judgment and discretion, taking into consideration among other criteria the officer’s training, qualifications, experience, interest in the position and the officer’s ability to effectuate the goals and objectives set forth in paragraph 1.

c.  The OESJ CSD shall have the right to request the removal of any SRO and have an armed certified officer substituted in his or her place by communicating such request to the Chief of Police at any time during the school year, which request will not be unreasonably denied.

d. The Village agrees to provide and pay the SRO’s salary and employment benefits in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement. The OESJ CSD has allocated up to Thirty-Five-Thousand Dollars ($35,000), per officer, for the 20202021 school year, consisting of September 3, 2020 through June 25, 2021. The Village of Saint Johnsville will submit a statement of hours worked by each officer in monthly increments, consisting of the first day of each month through the last day of each month, and payable after such costs have been audited by the OESJ CSD Claims Auditor, within 30 days of receipt of the bill from the Village.

e.  The SRO’s shall report for regular duty on each day school is in session. Regular duty shall consist of seven and one-half (7.5) hours per day unless otherwise requested by the school principal, superintendent, or Chief of Police. When school is not in session for scheduled recesses (vacations, holidays, etc.) the SRO’s are not required to report for duty unless otherwise requested by the OESJ CSD administration. The OESJ CSD will not be billed for these instances unless the SRO’s are requested to report for duty at their respective school campuses.

f. The SRO’s shall report to the Main Office at the start of each work day and shall sign-in on a log provided by the OESJ CSD. The SRO shall sign-out at the end of each work day using the same log.

g. It is understood the OESJ CSD will be responsible for any overtime pay earned by the officer serving as an SRO in connection with his or her duties as SRO. This may include attending school functions (sporting events, special events, open house, etc.) as requested by OESJ CSD administrators. Any court appearance resulting from a violation or crime that has occurred on the campuses of the OESJ CSD will be compensated under the SRO program. All other court appearances will be compensated by the Village of Saint Johnsville Police Department. (i.e., violation or crime reported to SRO but did not occur on school campuses) All efforts will be taken by the OESJ CSD building principals and school superintendent to minimize overtime expenses by modifying the work day hours of the SRO as needed. The overtime rate will be calculated at time and one-half of the SRO’s hourly rate and will be payable when the SRO is required to work beyond forty-hours in one pay period.

h. In the event an SRO is absent from work, the SRO shall notify both the Chief of Police and the principal of the school to which the SRO is assigned. The Chief of Police shall make every possible effort to fill the position during the absence of the SRO.

i.  It is understood and agreed upon that should an SRO be absent the STJPD duty officer will make two walk-throughs of the High School and in the event the elementary school SRO is absent the High School SRO will make arrangements to handle at least two walk-throughs of the elementary school or solicit the assistance of the NYSP or FCSO for same.

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j. In the event of an emergency the SRO’s may be ordered by the Saint Johnsville Police Department to leave school grounds during the normal duty hours as described above to perform other services for the police department. In such instances, the time spent away by the SRO’s from school grounds will not be billed to the OESJCSD.

k.  The SRO’s shall report each duty day in the prescribed uniform of the Saint Johnsville Police Department.

l.  The OESJCSD shall provide the SRO’s with the usual and customary office supplies and forms required in performance of their duties. In addition, the SRO’s shall be provided with a private office within the school that is accessible by the students. The SRO’s shall be provided by the OESJCSD a desk, chair, computer, communication device and access to a private fax machine for confidential intelligence sharing with other police department personnel.

m. It is agreed the SRO’s shall not transport students in their vehicles except when the students are victims of a crime, under arrest, or some other emergency circumstance exists. If circumstances other than an arrest require the SRO to transport a student, then a school administrator shall accompany the officer and the student in the vehicle. Students shall not be transported to any location unless it is determined that the student’s parent, guardian or custodian is at the destination to which the student is being transported. The SRO’s will not transport students in their personal vehicles.  The SRO’s shall notify the building principal before removing a student from the school grounds.

n. It is understood and agreed upon that the SRO’s shall have the following qualifications:

(i) The SRO’s shall be a NYS Certified Police Officer as required under the New York State General Municipal Law with a minimum of two (2) years of law enforcement experience;

(ii) The SRO’s shall possess sufficient knowledge of applicable Federal, State and County laws and Village ordinances as well as the OESJ CSD Board’s policies and regulations;

(iii) The SRO’s shall possess an even temperament and set a good example for students;

(iv) The SRO shall possess good communication skills, to enable the SRO to function effectively within the school environment.

o.  The duties of the SRO’s shall be those described on Attachment “A’ to this Agreement.

p. The Village shall provide the appropriate in-service training for the SRO’s, to enable the SRO’s to function efficiently. The OESJ CSD may also provide training in OESJ CSD policies, regulations and procedures, or additional training in other matters related to students and their safety.

q. At the request of the OESJ CSD the SRO’s may attend a SRO certification training and the expenses related to the training (training tuition, overnight accommodations, meals, travel, wages) will be the responsibility of the OESJ CSD. Reimbursement for reasonable conference travel expenses will be in accordance with the Oppenheim-Ephratah-St. Johnsville Board Policy

#6161 which are modeled after the United States General Services Administration per diem rates. If arrangements are made by the Chief of Police at the request of the OESJ CSD the Village will bill the aforementioned costs at the end of the month the costs were incurred. All efforts will be made by the Village of Saint Johnsville and OESJ CSD to minimize costs related to conference attendance and only those expenses accompanied by a receipt will be reimbursed after the training/conference.

1.  School Officials shall allow SRO’s to inspect and copy any public records maintained by the school as permitted by law. If some information in a student’s cumulative record is needed in an emergency to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals, school officials may disclose to the SRO’s that information which is needed to respond to the emergency situation based on the seriousness of the threat to someone’s health or safety. If confidential information is needed but no emergency situation exists, the information may be released only upon the issuance of a search warrant or subpoena to produce the records, or as may otherwise comply with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  For purposes of FERPA, the OESJ CSD hereby designates records kept and maintained by the SRO’s as records of a law enforcement unit.

2.  The OESJ CSD and the Village shall each procure and maintain at their own cost and expense, during the term of this Agreement, comprehensive general liability insurance to the effect that both parties are insured against any liability in connection with the services provided under this Agreement.

3. Neither the OESJ CSD nor the Village may assign this Agreement.

4. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the period of September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, and may be renewed upon mutual agreement of the OESJCSD and the Village. The OESJCSD and the Village may also terminate this Agreement upon at least 30 days written notice to the other party. Any notice will be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, by personal delivery or overnight services.

5. This Agreement may only be modified, amended or terminated by an instrument in writing, duly executed and acknowledged by the authorized representative of each party, after approval by the governing body of each party.

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6. In the event a dispute arises as to the responsibilities of the parties under the terms of this Agreement or as to the performance or nonperformance of the parties of the terms, conditions and covenants of this Agreement, the parties’ sole remedy shall be upon application to a court of competent jurisdiction in Fulton County, New York.

7.  If any provision of this Agreement is deemed to be invalid or inoperative for any reason, that part shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to make it valid or operative, or if it cannot be so modified, then severed and the remainder of the contract shall continue in full force and effect as in the contract had been signed or filed with the designated filing agent with the invalid portion so modified or eliminated.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed the day and year first written above.




SRO Job Duties Purpose of Position:

The SRO serves as a resource throughout the school system and will be required to perform the functions of educator, counselor, and law enforcement officer while becoming an integral member of the school community.  The SRO serves as the responsible person in school building to provide for the safety and welfare of students and school personnel under the direction of the Principal, and/or his/her designee. The SRO position involves the responsibility for maintaining order within the school and on school property. This is to be done through proactive prevention and diversion programs, as well providing expertise and guidance in the area of school safety and security.

The SRO is responsible for campus patrol, assisting with the development and implementation of safety protocols, conducting initial case investigations, and subsequent follow-up. The SRO may also provide classroom presentations and counsel students and parents to foster a better understanding of his/her role as an SRO and to develop a collaborative working relationship with those stakeholders. The SRO is tasked with enforcing all local ordinances and state-statues as they pertain to their assignment. The SRO collaborates with the School Principal or his/her designee in the performance of his/her duties; however, in the chain of command reports to the Saint Johnsville Chief of Police or designee who reviews work through written reports and personal conferences.

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Essential Duties:

1.  Consult with and coordinate activities as requested by a OESJ CSD Principal;

2.  Abide by the OESJ CSD Board policies to the extent that such compliance does not interfere with or impede the SRO in the performance of his/her duties as a law enforcement officer;

3.  The SRO shall develop an expertise in presenting various subjects; including Federal and State mandates in drug abuse prevention education and shall provide these presentations at the request of OESJ CSD personnel in accordance with the established curriculum;

4.  Encourage group discussions about law enforcement with students; faculty and parents;

5.  Under no circumstances shall the SRO be an OESJ CSD disciplinarian. The SRO will not be involved in the enforcement of disciplinary infractions that do not constitute violations of law;

6. Attend meetings with parents and faculty groups to solicit their support and understanding of the SRO OESJ CSD program and to promote awareness of law enforcement functions.

7.  To confer with the principal of the OESJ CSD to which the SRO is assigned to develop plans and strategies to prevent and/or minimize dangerous situations on or near campus or involving students at OESJ CSD related activities;

8.  Perform such duties as described herein as requested by the OESJ CSD principal. However, such duties shall not include things normally assigned to OESJ CSD personnel such as lunchroom or hall duty. Nothing herein shall preclude the SRO from being available in areas where interaction with students is expected;

9.  The SRO shall familiarize himself/herself with and shall abide by OESJ CSD policy and applicable law concerning interviews with students should it become necessary to conduct formal law enforcement interviews with students or staff on OESJ CSD property or at OESJ CSD functions under the jurisdiction of the OESJ CSD insofar as same shall be in harmony with standard police practices and standing general orders;

10.  Initiate law enforcement action as necessary and notify the Principal as soon as possible, and, whenever practicable advise the principal before requesting additional law enforcement assistance on campus and undertake all additional law enforcement responsibilities as required by standard police practices and standing general orders;

11.  The SRO shall affirm the role of law enforcement officer by wearing the Village of Saint Johnsville Police Department uniform, unless doing so would be inappropriate for scheduled activities. The uniform shall be worn at events where it will enhance the image of the SRO and his/her ability to perform his/her duties;

12.  The SRO in pursuing the performance of his/her duties shall coordinate and communicate with the principal or the principal’s designee;

13.  The SRO will be available for such other duties and activities as may be appropriate and set forth by the Superintendent of Schools;

14.  Responsible for protecting the safety and welfare of students and school personnel in accordance with policies, regulations and administrative procedures of the School District;

15.  Advises school officials of any situation that may create potential harm to individuals or damage to or loss of property of students, faculty and staff;

16.  Reports all violations of law and school district policies to school officials;

17.  Patrols school building and grounds and responds to emergency situations on the campus and adjacent areas;

18.  Maintains high visible presence through the school day in corridors, lobby, cafeteria, restrooms, and parking lot to protect persons and property, maintain order and insure compliance with safety and security rules/protocols;

19.  Assists with fire drills, lockdown drills, emergency response situations;

20.  As requested, provides leadership and guidance to the students, parents and faculty addressing such topics as tobacco, alcohol, other drug issues, violence diffusion, violence prevention, crime prevention, character education, and safety issues;

21.  Maintains record of incidents, provides written descriptive reports as requested;

22.  Performs all other related duties as assigned by the Chief of Police.

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Appendix 7: OESJ CSD Pandemic Operations Plan

Oppenheim Ephratah St. Johnsville Central School District Communicable Disease/Pandemic Plan

Effective April 1, 2021, Labor Law §27-c, amends Labor Law §27-1 and adds a new provision to Education Law §2801-a. Labor Law §27-c requires public employers to develop operation plans in the event of certain declared public health emergencies. Education Law §2801-a requires school districts to develop plans consistent with the new Labor Law requirement. The new law requires public employers to prepare a plan for the continuation of operations in the event that  the Governor declares a public health emergency involving a communicable disease. Educational institutions must prepare plans consistent with Labor Law §27-c as part of their school safety plans pursuant to newly added subsection (2)(m) of Education Law §2801-a. The Plan addresses the required components in the sections as noted below:


(1)   A list and description of positions and titles considered essential with justification for that determination.

(2)   The specific protocols that will be followed to enable non-essential employees and contractors to telecommute.

(3)   A description of how the employer will, to the extent possible, stagger work shifts of essential employees and contractors to reduce workplace and public transportation overcrowding.


(4)   Protocols to be implemented to secure personal protective equipment (PPE) sufficient to supply essential workers with 2 pieces of each PPE device needed for each work shift for at least six months. This must include a plan for storage of such equipment to prevent degradation and permit immediate access in the event of an emergency declaration.


(5)   Protocols to prevent spread in the workplace in the event an employee or contractor is exposed, exhibits  symptoms,  or  tests  positive  for  the  relevant  communicable  disease. Such protocols must include disinfection of the individual’s work area and common areas. It must also address the policy on available leave with respect to testing, treatment, isolation or quarantine.

(6)   Protocols for documenting precise hours and work locations of essential workers for purposes of aiding in tracking the disease and identifying exposed workers in order to facilitate the provision of any benefits that may be available to them on that basis.

(7)   Protocols for coordinating with the locality to identify sites for emergency housing for essential employees to contain the spread of the disease, to the extent applicable to the needs of the workplace.


●  We will work closely with both the Fulton County and Montgomery County Departments of Health to determine the need for activation of our Plan. The following procedures will be followed by administrators, principals, and school nurses for reporting communicable disease, including Coronavirus, Influenza, etc., and communicating with the Health Department:

○  Report suspected and confirmed cases of influenza on the monthly school’s Communicable Disease Report, (DMS-485.7/93; HE-112.4/81) and submit to: Fulton County and Montgomery County Departments of Health.

○  Based on direction from the NYSDOH, we may be required to report the daily number of teachers, staff and students who tested positive for COVID-19 and the counties in which they live, as well as the number of people referred for testing and submit to: NYS Department of Health.

●  The Fulton County and/or Montgomery County Departments of Health will monitor county-wide cases of communicable disease and inform school districts as to appropriate actions.

●  The  Superintendent  of  Schools  will  help  coordinate  our  Pandemic planning and response effort, working closely with the District-Wide School Safety Team that has responsibility for reviewing and approving all recommendations and incorporating them into the District-Wide School Safety Plan. The school district Medical Director and nurses will be vital members of the District Safety Team. Because of the potential importance of technology in the response effort (communication and notification), the school district Director of Technology will also be an important Team member. The District Treasurer, Director of Facilities, Food Service Director, Transportation Dispatcher, Public Information Officer (Superintendent), Director of Student Support Services and School Building Principals will also be vital to the planning effort. Other non-traditional individuals may also be required to be part of the Team.

●  The school district will emphasize hand-washing and cough/sneezing etiquette through educational campaigns including the CDC Germ Stopper Materials; Cover Your Cough Materials; It’s a SNAP Toolkit; and the NSF Scrub Clean; which can all be accessed at


●   We will educate and provide information to parents, staff, and students about our Pandemic Plan and about how to make an informed decision to stay home when ill. We will utilize our website, postings and direct mailings for this purpose.

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 Section 1: Essential Positions/Titles

In the event of a government ordered shutdown, similar to our response to the Coronavirus in the spring of 2020, we are now required to consider how we would prepare for future shutdowns that may occur. As part of our planning, we are now required to provide information on those positions that would be required to be on-site or in-district for us to continue to function as opposed to those positions that could realistically work remotely. The following information is addressed in the table below:

1.  Title – a list of positions/titles considered essential (could not work remotely) in the event of a state-ordered reduction of in-person workforce.

2.  Description – brief description of job function.

3.  Justification – brief description of critical responsibilities that could not be provided remotely.

4.  Work Shift – brief description of how the work shifts of those essential employees or contractors (if utilized) will be staggered in order to reduce overcrowding at the worksite.

5.  Protocol – how will precise hours and work locations, including off-site visits, be documented for essential employees and contractors (if utilized)?

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Essential Employee Determination

Title/Description/Justification/Work Shift/Protocol

  • Business Office/District Treasurer, Account Clerks/Payroll, Bookkeeping, Budget, Accounts Payable-Receivable/Staggered days/shifts to meet CDC guidelines/Time Sheets
  • Administrative Assistants/General/Clerical/Office Operations, Superintendent’s Secretary/Assist with misc. office operations (filing, communicating with staff and families, attendance, student records, etc.; Monitoring communication via phone, email, and mailings./Staggered days/shifts to meet CDC guidelines/Time Sheets
  • Transportation/Bus Drivers/Coordinate transportation of students, services, and resources. (food distribution, delivery of student materials, etc.)/Staggereddays/shifts to meet CDC guidelines/Time Sheets
  • Food Service/Head Cook/Meal Prep for Students/Staggered days/shifts to meet CDC guidelines/Time Sheets
  • Technology/Director of Technology, Tech Support Personnel/Managing mobile devices and technology needs of the district/Staggered day/shifts to meet CDC guidelines/As Needed
  • Facilities/Director of Facilities, Maintenance, Cleaners/Messenger and mail services, upkeep of buildings and grounds/Staggered day/shifts to meet CDC guidelines/Time Sheets

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Section 2: Protocols Allowing Non-Essential Employees to Telecommute

Ensure Digital Equity for Employees

o    Mobile Device Assessments:

▪    Survey agency departmental staff to determine who will need devices at home to maintain operational functions as well as instructional services

▪   Conduct a cost analysis of technology device needs

o    Internet Access Assessments:

▪    Survey agency departmental staff to determine the availability of viable existing at-home Internet service

▪   Conduct a cost analysis of Internet access needs

o    Providing Mobile Devices and Internet Access:

▪    To the extent practicable, decide upon, develop procurement processes for, order, configure, and distribute, if and when available, appropriate mobile devices to those determined to be in need.

▪    To the extent practicable and technically possible, decide upon, develop procurement processes for, and when available, provide appropriate Internet bandwidth to those determined to be in need. WIFI hotspots and residential commercial Internet options will be evaluated for anticipated effectiveness in particular situations.

Technology & Connectivity for Students – Mandatory Requirements:

o  To the extent possible, have knowledge of the level of access to devices and high-speed broadband all students and teachers have in their places of residence;

o  To the extent practicable, address the need to provide devices and internet access to students and teachers who currently do not have sufficient access; and

o  Provide multiple ways for students to participate in learning and demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in remote or blended models, especially if all students do not yet have sufficient access to devices and/or high-speed Internet.

Mobile Devices Delivery:

Technology offers schools and districts increased options for continuing learning during extended closures. Technology can be leveraged in different ways to meet local needs, including but not limited to:

o   Communication (e-mail, phone, online conferencing, social media)

o  Teacher/student and student/student interaction (office hours, check-ins, peer collaboration)

o   Instruction (video/audio recordings of instruction, instructional materials, synchronous distance learning, asynchronous online courses)

o   Learning Materials and Content (digital content, online learning activities)

o   Additional Technology Devices Assessments:

▪  Identify students’ technology needs to include adaptive technologies

▪  Use the Asset Tracking Management System procedures to check out all mobile devices

▪   If a shutdown happens abruptly, plan a pick-up time and location, and arrange to deliver devices to those who cannot pick them up.

Providing Multiple Ways for Students to Learn:

▪        Support instructional programs as needed in preparation of non-digital, alternative ways for students to participate in learning and demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in remote or blended models in circumstances in which students do not yet have sufficient access to devices and/or high-speed internet. For additional information, see “Instructional Packets” heading on the Remote Instruction Schedule page.

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Section 3:  Staggering Work Shifts of Essential Employees – Reducing Overcrowding

Depending on the exact nature of the communicable disease and its impact, the OESJ School District is prepared to enact numerous strategies to reduce traffic congestion and maintain social distancing requirements in order to minimize building occupancy. The following will be considered:

●  Limiting building occupancy to 25%, 50% or 75% of capacity or the maximum allowable by State or Local guidance.

●  Forming employee work shift cohorts to limit potential contacts.

●  Limit employee travel within the building.

●  Limit restroom usage to specific work areas.

●  Stagger arrival and dismissal times.

●  Alternate work days or work weeks.

●  Implement a four-day work week.

●   Limit or eliminate visitors to the building.

The school district will utilize these base strategies and expand upon them as necessary in order to address any public health emergency.


We have collaborated with our partners to assure complementary efforts. We have invited representatives from the Fulton County and Montgomery County Departments of Health, Police Department, Office of Emergency Management, Department of Mental Health and others to attend our District-wide School Safety Team meetings. This will allow us to send consistent messages to the school community on pandemic-related issues.

●  The District-wide Command Center and its alternative are listed in the building level safety plan and will be activated at the direction of the School District Incident Commander. Building-level Command Posts and Incident Command Structures are defined in the Building-Level Emergency Response Plans. Our Incident Command System will  complement and work in concert with the Federal, State, and Local Command Systems.

●  The school district has designated the building principals as the COVID-19 safety coordinator (administrator) for each of its schools, whose responsibilities include continuous compliance with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels. The coordinators shall be the main contact upon the identification of positive COVID-19 cases and are responsible for subsequent  communication. Coordinators shall be responsible for answering questions from students, faculty, staff, and parents or legal guardians of students regarding the COVID-19 public health emergency and plans implemented by the school. The Coordinators will work directly with their school nurses.

School/Program COVID-19 Safety Coordinator/Administrator
Contact #

  • OESJ Elementary School: Kyle O’Brien, Principal/518-568-2014 x2101
  • OESJ Jr/Sr High School: Kevin Warren, Principal/ 518-568-2011 x3114

●  Communication will be important throughout a pandemic outbreak. It will be necessary to communicate with parents, students, staff, and the school community. The Superintendent of Schools, as the school district’s Public Information Officer (PIO), has been designated to coordinate this effort and act as the central point for all communication. The PIO will also retain responsibility for establishing and maintaining contact with accepted media partners.

The PIO will work closely with our Director of Technology to assure proper function of all communication systems. This coordination will also help assure that as many redundant communication systems as possible are available. The district will Parent Square as well as postings on the District’s website and Facebook page, mass mailings and local television and radio announcements.

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●  Continuity of operations and business office function could be severely impacted by a loss of staff. As such, our plan will include procedures for maintaining essential functions and services. This will include:

○  Overall Operations – we have defined the following decision-making authority for the district Superintendent, District Treasurer, Building Principals, Director of Technology, Director of Facilities, Director of Student Support Services and Transportation Dispatcher. Recognizing the need for these essential individuals to have frequent communication, we have established as many redundant communication systems as possible. Our primary communication will be through Parent Square, email, hand-held radios, video conferencing, and district-automated phone notification system.

○   The Business Office is essential for maintaining overall function and facilities operation. Back-up personnel will be important to maintain purchasing and payroll responsibilities. We have defined the following job titles for having back-up responsibility in these areas: Account Clerks. Recognizing the need for job cross-training, we have trained individuals with the following job titles: Account Clerks, District Treasurer and Guidance Secretary. We have also established the ability to maintain these essential functions off-site.

○  Maintenance of facilities will be difficult with a reduced or absent maintenance staff. The Director of Facilities or back-up designee will keep the Business Office informed of such status and of the point at which buildings can no longer be maintained. Teachers may be asked to assist in this effort. If necessary, we may provide spray bottle sanitizers for each classroom teacher for doorknob and desktop disinfection only. Desktops will be misted with the provided disinfectant and left to dry. Training for teachers on this process will be provided.

○  The Superintendent’s Secretary, Director of Technology, Director of Facilities, Transportation Dispatcher and Building Secretaries will be essential in monitoring absenteeism and assuring appropriate delegation of authority. Changes to district policies and procedures to reflect crisis response may become necessary and will be implemented by the Superintendent, building administration, or office staff. Cross-training  of  staff  to  ensure  essential  functions are operational is reviewed and regularly implemented in each department. The Superintendent will help develop the Plan, in conjunction with all bargaining units, for emergency use of personnel in non-traditional functions and changes in the normal work-day such as alternate or reduced work hours, working from home, etc. Working with administration and local officials, the Superintendent will determine if schools need to be closed.

●  Continuity of instruction will need to be considered in the event of significant absences or school closure. Restructuring of the school calendar may become necessary. We will work closely with the New York State Education Department and DCS Instructional Teams throughout the crisis period. Some of the alternate learning strategies we have implemented  to be used in combination as necessary include:

●  Use of Google Classroom to provide opportunities for synchronous or asynchronous instructional opportunities, including live Google Meets, recorded instructional videos, daily lessons and assignments for self-directed or interactive learning.

●  SeeSaw will be used in prekindergarten through 3rd grade.

●          Hard copy, self-directed lessons

●          Use of mobile media storage devices for lessons (CDs, Jump Drives)

●          Communication modalities for assignment postings and follow-up: telephone; Postal Service; cell phone, cell phone mail, text messages: e-mail, automated notification systems, website and social media postings.

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Section 4: Obtaining and Storing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) PPE & Face Covering Availability:
●      The school district will provide employees and students with an acceptable face covering at no cost to the employee and have an adequate supply of coverings in case of replacement.

●    Cloth face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected.

●   Information should be provided to staff and students on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.

●   Masks are most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult.

●   Procurement, other than some very basic preliminary purchases, will be done on a consolidated basis to ensure that the District is getting the most for its PPE dollars.

●  Teach and reinforce use of face coverings among all staff.

●   We encourage all staff to utilize their own personal face coverings but have secured and will provide PPE for any employee requesting such protection. Specialized PPE (N95s, face shields, gowns, gloves, etc.) may be required for specific work tasks and will be provided as deemed necessary. Those individuals who are required to wear N-95 respirators will be fit-tested and medically screened prior to use to assure they are physically able to do so. We will work in partnership with the Fulton County and Montgomery County Departments of Health to provide this capability. Parents will also  be encouraged to provide face coverings for students; however, face coverings will be provided for any student who cannot provide their own. Masks will be available on our school busses.

PPE Supply Management

●          The Facilities Department is working with programs to determine the overall PPE needs of the District. Centralized purchasing will be used when possible.

Disposable Face Covering Supplies

Group/Quantity per 100 per Group/12 Week Supply 100% Attendance/12 Week Supply 50% Attendance/12 Week Supply 25% Attendance/Assumptions

  • Students/100 Masks per Week/1200/600/300/1 Disposable Mask per week per Student (supplements parent provided)
  • Teachers/Staff/500/6000/3000/1500/5 Disposable Masks per week per Teacher
  • Nurse/Health Staff/1000/12,000/6000/3000/10 Disposable Masks per week per School Nurse

PPE for High Intensity Contact with Students

Item/1 Week Supply for 1 Staff/12 Week Supply/Assumptions

  • Disposable Nitrile Gloves/10/120/10 per week per Staff
  • Disposable Gowns/10/120/10 per week per Staff
  • Eye Protection/2/n/a/2 Re-usable per Staff
  • Face Shields/2/n/a/2 Re-usable per Staff
  • Waste Disposal Medium/1/n/a/1 Unit per Staff Total
  • N-95 Respirators*/10/120/10 per week per Staff

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The District-Wide School Safety Team will meet to determine the need for activation of a pandemic response based on internal monitoring and correspondence with the Fulton County and Montgomery County Departments of Health, NYS Department of Health and the NYS Education Department and other experts. Each Building-Level Emergency Response Team will be informed that the Plan has been activated.

●  The entire Incident Command Structure at both the District and Building level will be informed that the response effort has been enacted. These individuals will meet to discuss the Plan’s activation and review responsibilities and communication procedures.

●  The PIO will work closely with the Director of Technology to re-test all communication systems to assure proper function. The District-wide School Safety Team and Building-Level Emergency Response Teams will assist in this effort.

●   Based on the latest information from collaboration with our partners, and to send a message consistent with public health authorities, the PIO will utilize the communication methods previously described to alert the school community of the activation of our District-Wide School Safety Plan as it specifically applies to pandemics.

●   The Business Official will meet with staff to review essential functions and responsibilities of back-up personnel. Ability to utilize off-site systems will be tested. The Business Official will monitor utilization of supplies, equipment, contracts, and provided services and adjust as necessary.

●  The Director of Facilities will meet with staff and monitor ability to maintain essential function. The Director of Facilities will review essential building function procedures with  the Building Principals and command chain. Sanitizing procedures will be reviewed with teachers and other staff. The Director of Facilities will work closely with the District Treasurer or designee to implement different phases of the Plan as necessary.

●  The Superintendent of Schools will meet with staff to review essential functions and responsibilities of back-up personnel. The Human Resources Director will monitor absenteeism to assure maintenance of the Command Structure and possible need to amend existing procedures.

●  Based on recommendations from Local and State Authorities, schools may be closed. Our Plan for continuity of instruction will be implemented as previously described.

●  If the decision is made to close a school building in consultation with Fulton County and Montgomery County Departments of Health, the school district will notify the NYS Education Department and District Superintendent at HFM BOCES.

Section 5: Preventing Spread, Contact Tracing and Disinfection Confirmed COVID-19 Case Requirements & Protocols
Instructional programs must be prepared for communicable disease outbreaks in their local communities and for individual exposure events that occur in their facilities, regardless of the level of community transmission. The CDC has provided a decision tree to help schools determine which set of mitigation strategies may be most appropriate for their current situation

Staff Absenteeism

●  Instructional staff will call into the Absence Management System (formerly known as AESOP) when they are absent due to illness. Substitutes will be provided as necessary and as requested. Teachers will leave detailed plans and safety protocols for substitutes to follow.

●  The Directors will develop a plan to monitor absenteeism of staff, cross-train staff, and create a roster of trained back-up staff.

●  The Building Principals will monitor absenteeism of students and staff, cross train staff, and create a roster of trained back-up staff.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

●  The Business Office will continue to disseminate information to employees about EAP resources. EAP is a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems. EAPs address a broad and complex body of issues affecting mental and emotional well-being, such as alcohol and other substance abuse, stress, grief, family problems, and psychological disorders.

Medical Accommodations

●  The Superintendent and School Nurses will continue to handle medical accommodations.

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Contact Tracing

The OESJ CSD will notify the state and local health department immediately upon being informed of any positive diagnostic test result by an individual within school facilities or on school grounds, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the district.

To assist the local health department with contact, the OESJ CSD has developed a plan to trace all contacts of exposed individuals in accordance with protocols, training, and tools provided through the New York State Contact Tracing Program through a web-based program.

The OESJ CSD will assist with contact tracing by:

●    Keeping accurate attendance records of students and staff members using the Frontline absence reporting system for employees and SchoolTool for students.

●  Ensuring student schedules are up to date.

●  Keeping a log of any visitor, which includes date and time, and where in the school they visited.

●  Assisting the local health departments in tracing all contacts of the individual in accordance with the protocol, training, and tools provided through the NYS Contact Tracing Program.

Facilities: Cleaning and Sanitizing

Cleaning removes germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or objects. Cleaning works by using soap (or detergent) and water to physically remove germs from surfaces. This process does not necessarily kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection. Visibly soiled surfaces and objects must be cleaned first. If surfaces or objects are soiled with body fluids or blood, use gloves and other standard precautions to avoid coming into contact with the fluid. Remove the spill, and then clean and disinfect the surface.

Sanitizing lowers the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level, as judged by public health standards or requirements. This process works by either cleaning or disinfecting surfaces or objects to lower the risk of spreading infection. The District has purchased Clorox 360 Electrostatic Sprayers to use on deep cleaning days or as needed.

Routine cleaning of school settings includes:
o  Cleaning high contact surfaces that are touched by many different people, such as light switches, handrails and door knobs/handles

o  Dust- and wet-mopping or auto-scrubbing floors

o  Vacuuming of entryways and high traffic areas

o  Removing trash

o  Cleaning restrooms

o  Wiping heat and air conditioner vents

o  Spot cleaning walls

o  Spot cleaning carpets

o  Dusting horizontal surfaces and light fixtures

o  Cleaning spills

Classroom/Therapy Rooms:
District will provide related service providers with additional cleaning supplies to ensure continuous disinfecting of classrooms and therapy rooms that service students with complex disabilities where multiple tools are used for communication, mobility, and instruction.

Common Areas:
Smaller common areas, like kitchenettes and copy room areas,  should have staggered use. If users cannot maintain six feet of distance, they shall wear a mask. Signage has been posted in common areas to remind staff of health and safety etiquette.

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Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces or objects by using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces or objects. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection.

o  Cleaning and disinfection requirements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health will be adhered to.

o  Custodial logs will be maintained that include the date, time and scope of cleaning and disinfection. Cleaning and disinfection frequency will be identified for each facility type and responsibilities will be assigned.

o  Hand hygiene stations will be provided and maintained, including handwashing with soap, running warm water, and disposable paper towels, as well as an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing 60% or more alcohol for areas where handwashing is not feasible.

o  Regular cleaning and disinfection of facilities and more frequent cleaning and  disinfection for high-risk areas used by many individuals and for frequently touched surfaces, including desks and cafeteria tables will be conducted.

o  Regular cleaning and disinfection of restrooms will be performed.

o  Cleaning and disinfection of exposed areas will be performed in the event an individual is confirmed to have COVID-19, with such cleaning and disinfection to include, at a minimum, all heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces.

o  Although cleaning and disinfection is primarily a custodial responsibility, appropriate cleaning and disinfection supplies will be provided to faculty and staff as approved by Central Administration.

o  Additional paper towel dispensers may be installed in other designated spaces.

Upon request, Facilities Services will provide CDC approved disinfecting solutions for additional on-the-spot disinfecting. This should be done daily or between use as much as possible. Examples of frequently touched areas in schools may include, but are not limited to:

o  Bus seats and handrails

o  Buttons on vending machines and elevators

o  Cafeteria Tables

o  Classroom desks and chairs

o  Door handles and push plates

o  Handles on equipment (e.g., athletic equipment)

o  Handrails

o  Water fountains

o  Kitchen and bathroom faucets

o  Light switches

o  Lunchroom tables and chairs

o  ISS Room

o  Related Services Spaces

o  Shared computer or piano keyboards and mice

o  Shared desktops/tables

o    Plastic partitions/shields

o    Shared telephones

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Hand Sanitizing:

o       Hand sanitizer dispensers will be located and installed in approved locations.

o       Hand sanitizer bottles will be distributed to staff as approved by Central Administration.

o       All existing and new alcohol-based hand-rub dispensers, installed in any location, are in accordance with the Fire Code of New York State (FCNYS) 2020 Section 5705.5.

Trash Removal:

o       Trash will be removed daily.

o       Garbage cans or the process for collecting trash during breakfast/lunch periods in classrooms will be increased where necessary.

o       No-touch trash receptacles will be utilized, where possible.

Section 6: Documenting Precise Hours/Work Locations of Essential Workers

It is recognized that as the work environment changes to adapt to the emergency situation and typical work schedules are modified, it can become more difficult to track employees especially if they conduct work off site or in numerous locations. The ability to identify these individuals will be extremely important if contact tracing is necessary during a communicable disease crisis. Refer to Section 2 for a list of employees and the protocols used for tracking their location.

Section 7: Emergency Housing for Essential Employees

Emergency housing for essential workers is not considered to be generally required for school employees as opposed to healthcare workers and other critical care employees. If deemed necessary, school districts will work closely with the Office of Emergency Management and Fulton County and Montgomery County Departments of Health to determine housing options.

 Section 8: Recovery

●  Re-establishing the normal school curriculum is essential to the recovery process and should occur as soon as possible. We will work toward a smooth transition from the existing learning methods to our normal process. We will use all described communication methods and our PIO to keep the school community aware of the transition process.

●  We will work closely with the New York State Education Department to revise or amend the school calendar as deemed appropriate.

●  We will evaluate all building operations for normal function and re-implement appropriate maintenance and cleaning procedures.

●  Each Building-Level Post-Incident Response Team will assess the emotional impact of the crisis on students and staff and make recommendations for appropriate intervention.

●  The District-Wide School Safety Team and Building-Level Emergency Response Teams will meet to debrief and determine lessons learned. Information from the PIO, Business Office, Director of Technology, Building Principals, Director of Student Support Services and Director of Facilities will be vital to this effort. The District-Wide School Safety Plan and Building-Level Emergency Response Plans will be revised to reflect this.

●  Curriculum and social/emotional activities that may address the crisis will be developed and implemented.

Section 9: Resources to Reference

Appendix 8 : Remote Learning Plan

The District may offer remote or distance instruction to students at certain times including, but not limited to, independent study, enrichment courses, and in the event of an emergency condition, including, but not limited to, extraordinary adverse weather conditions, impairment of heating facilities, insufficiency of water supply, shortage of fuel, destruction of a school building, or a communicable disease outbreak.

In the event the District remains in session and provides remote instruction when it would otherwise close due to an emergency condition, the remote instruction provided by the District will be consistent with the District’s emergency remote instruction plan, located in the District-wide school safety plan.

When making decisions about remote instruction, the District will communicate with parents, students and staff as appropriate. When implementing remote instruction, the District will ensure that it is complying with applicable teaching and learning requirements.


a) “Asynchronous instruction” means instruction where students engage in learning without the direct presence (remote or in-person) of a teacher.

b) “Non-digital and/or audio-based instruction” means instruction accessed
synchronously and/or asynchronously through paper-based materials where the student to teacher interaction occurs via telephone or other audio platforms.

c) “Remote instruction” means instruction provided by an appropriately certified teacher who is not in the same in-person physical location as the student(s) receiving the instruction, where there is regular and substantive daily interaction between the student and teacher.

1) Remote instruction will encompass synchronous instruction provided through digital video-based technology and may also include asynchronous instruction intended to complement synchronous instruction. Digital video-based technology includes online technology and videoconferencing technology.

2) Remote instruction may encompass non-digital and audio-based asynchronous and/or synchronous instruction where this instruction is more appropriate for a student’s educational needs.

d) “Synchronous instruction” means instruction where students engage in learning in
the direct presence (remote or in-person) of a teacher in real time.

Formats and Methods of Remote Instruction

Remote instruction may be delivered through a variety of formats and methods. Determinations about how to best deliver remote instruction will take into account a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the number of students involved, the subject matter, the students’ grade levels, and technological resources of both the District and students. Consideration will also be given to whether accommodations need to be made for students with disabilities or English language learners.

Remote Instruction During an Emergency Condition

Emergency Remote Instruction Plan

The District-wide school safety plan will include plans for the provision of remote instruction during any emergency school closure. The emergency remote instruction plan will include:

a) Policies and procedures to ensure computing devices will be made available to students or other means by which students will participate in synchronous instruction and policies and procedures to ensure students receiving remote instruction under emergency conditions will access Internet connectivity. The Superintendent will survey students and parents and persons in parental relation to obtain information on student access to computing devices and access to Internet connectivity to inform the emergency remote instruction plan;

b) Expectations for school staff as to the proportion of time spent in synchronous and asynchronous instruction of students on days of remote instruction under emergency conditions with an expectation that asynchronous instruction is supplementary to synchronous instruction;

c) A description of how instruction will occur for those students for whom remote instruction by digital technology is not available or appropriate;

d) A description of how special education and related services will be provided to students with disabilities and preschool students with disabilities in accordance with their individualized education programs to ensure the continued provision of a free appropriate public education; and

e) If the District receives foundation aid, the estimated number of instructional hours the District intends to claim for state aid purposes for each day spent in remote instruction due to emergency conditions.

Minimum Instructional Hours

Remote instruction provided on days when the District would have otherwise closed due to an emergency condition may be counted toward the annual hourly requirement for the purpose of state aid. The Superintendent will certify to the New York State Education Department, on a form prescribed by the Commissioner, that an emergency condition existed on a previously scheduled school day and that the District was in session and provided remote instruction on that day and indicate how many instructional hours were provided on that day and certify that remote instruction was provided in accordance with the District’s emergency remote instruction plan.

Remote Instruction Support

As necessary, the District will provide instruction on using remote instruction technology and IT support for students, teachers, and families. The District will also work to ensure that teachers and administrators are provided with professional development opportunities related to designing an effective remote instruction experience.

Compliance with District Policies, Procedures, and the Code of Conduct

Teachers and students are required to comply with any and all applicable District policies, procedures, and other related documents as they normally would for in-person instruction. Examples include, but are not limited to, the District’s policies and procedures on non-discrimination and anti-harassment, acceptable use, and copyright. Students will also be required to abide by the rules contained within the Code of Conduct at all times while engaged in remote instruction. Violations of the Code of Conduct and/or engaging in prohibited conduct may result in disciplinary action as warranted.

Privacy and Security of Student and Teacher Data

The District will take measures to protect the personally identifiable information of students and teachers from unauthorized disclosure or access when using remote instruction technologies in compliance with law, regulation, and District policy. Examples of these measures include, but are not limited to, minimizing the amount of data shared to only that which is necessary, deidentifying data, and using encryption or an equivalent technical control that renders personally identifiable information unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized persons when transmitted electronically.

Details of the Remote Instruction Plan

The following is detail on the districts’ emergency remote instruction plan in case of closure due to weather, emergency and/or pandemic conditions.

1. Access to devices – the school district is 1 to 1 for students K-12. All students will be equipped with a device to take home. All students grades 9-12 take their devices home while K-8 have devices that stay in the classroom or on a chromebook cart. If we do not send them home in time we will have pick-up times the day of the emergency closure for parents/guardians to pick up their devices. Students in grades K-8 will also have emergency folders with work to be completed as well.

2. Connectivity – all efforts will be made to provide hotspots to students who do not have wireless access to use at home. We also have access to the local library in case students cannot connect at home.

3. Expectations of staff and use of instructional time:

a. All faculty and staff are expected to be able to sign-in into google classroom
and google meets on any emergency day. They can access this from home if
needed or in the school buildings if allowed. Every effort will be made, similar to students, to provide hotspots to staff who may have connectivity issues in their home.

b. Grades K-6 – sign into google meet at regular arrival time to meet and greet
students, take attendance and explain what is expected for the day. Work will be in the folders and posted on google classroom. Students will be instructed on what special area classes (ex: PE, Music, Art, Library) for the day and they will receive a google meet to sign in during that time. All students will be expected to sign in again at 12 pm to review how the day is going. If students need specific help they can email their teacher to set up additional times. The Kindergarten level may be asynchronous due to connectivity issues at that age level. They are to complete the assignments for the day and hand them in during the next in-session school day.

c. Grades 7-12 – follow their normal schedule by signing in at arrival during 1st period to take attendance and report to their first class. They will follow their normal schedule for the day via google meet and google classroom.

4. Non-connected students – teachers will reach out via phone to make sure they have access to support what they may need. They can access the google meet via phone as well. If they cannot connect, students will be expected to make up the work, during the next in-session day, just as if they were absent from school.

5. Special education and related services – students who have special area teacher help or a 1 to 1 aide will be able to access their faculty/staff member via google meet. Just as they would during the school day, the aide, staff member (ex OT/PT) or teacher will spend the allotted time with them during the day.

6. Food Service – breakfast and lunch will be available to pick up at both the elementary and jr./sr. high school between the hours of 10 and 12 pm.

7. State Aid Provisions – Any days will count towards the 180 day calendar as long as a form is submitted and approved by the state regarding the plan and use.

Adopted: August 21, 2024

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